Interested in the design and implementation of international cooperation projects with a focus on vocational education and training, migration, regional economic policy, business communities and private sector development. Regional experience in Germany (home), China (18 years), and the USA (3 years), plus multiple short-term assignments in Afghanistan and the Lao PDR.

Helmut Schönleber
Professional History and Education
Capacity building for the sustainable development of business communities.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, China
Head of six Sino-German development cooperation programmes in vocational education and regional economic policy. Full HR, budget, and results responsibility. Member of GIZ China strategy leading group. Head of an intercultural policy advisory and project implementation team of 20 Chinese and 3 German members. Project offices in Beijing, Shenyang, Nanchang, and Shanghai. Coordinated programme measures with national and provincial partner ministries as well as German enterprises. Received the Friendship Award of Liaoning Province in 2010.
Series of missions to Lao PDR for UNIDO on improving organizational structure, management, and legal framework of Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI) and selected regional chambers and business associations in Laos.
Multiple short-term missions to Afghanistan for the German Federal Foreign Affairs Department through GTZ and SEQUA. Provided consultancy to the Chamber Reform Commission, supported merger of organizations.
Long-term expert with Sequa gGmbH
Project office in Hefei, Anhui Province, China Implemented the Sino-German SME Promotion Programme’s “BMO Development Component”. Programme was financed by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through GTZ. Developed and carried out a concept on institution building for business membership organizations (BMOs). Planned, organized, implemented consulting and training activities for leaders and staff of BMOs, government, and enterprises. Organized multiple matchmaking events and visits with Chinese and European small and medium-sized enterprises.
Industrie- und Handelskammer Darmstadt (Darmstadt Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Headed a newly established team of eight members which combined the former Information Services, Library, Archives, and Membership Data Sections. Developed and implemented a concept to introduce a customer-friendly information and communication system. Coaching of chamber staff in internal user trainings. Developed IHK websites on international business matching and marketing of special events. Short-term consultancy and training missions for IFC / World Bank (CPDF) and Leipzig University (SEPT).
Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) / Sequa gGmbH
National management of a partnership project between DIHK and All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through SEQUA gGmbH. Cooperated regionally with partners in Liaoning, Shandong, Hebei, and Yunnan provinces. Developed the project concept, coordinated and implemented all activities, administered China budget of 2.8 million €. Reported to DIHK, SEQUA, and German Federal Government. Project trained 2,500 Chinese entrepreneurs and 600 chamber leaders in workshops and seminars. Developed trilingual website with 6000 pages and 800 business opportunities.
Department of Information, Economics, and Foreign Trade, Darmstadt Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Implemented all business surveys, authored publications on regional economic structure. Developed since 1993 a website of IHK Darmstadt, the first website of any business organization in German speaking Europe. Established regional databases on enterprises and foreign trade. Edited CCI position papers on immigration and foreign economic relations to the state administration, certified foreign trade documents. Chief editor of the “Darmstadt CCI Foreign Trade News”, member of editorial board for monthly CCI magazine. Wrote press releases, organized press conferences.
Commerce Clearing House, Inc., San Rafael, California, USA
Coordinated data acquisition on tax and securities law for “CCH ACCESS” online database. Managed digitization projects by external subcontractors in Korea and India, worth over $ 1 million. Developed quality evaluation software and authored program specifications to port the data to mainframe servers in SGML format and to implement retrieval functions.
German American Chamber of Commerce of the Pacific Coast, Inc., San Francisco, California, USA
Four-months project to analyze and improve internal information system. Developed and programmed membership database and German-American Business Information System. Introduced external database retrieval (DIALOG) and international data communication via GEONET.
Official in Charge of Technology Transfer, Darmstadt Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Collected and disseminated to CCI members all relevant information on technological developments. Initiated and coordinated joint working groups of enterprises and universities. Promoted and advocated technology transfer.
Secretary General of Darmstadt Junior Chamber
Planned and organized all activities of the Darmstadt Junior Chamber (Jaycees) with 100 members. Upgraded membership file cards to computer database. Achieved 25% membership growth and 64% budget growth.
Preparation, implementation, and follow-up of a two-year study and research scholarship project in China, funded by Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), and supplemented by the Chinese Ministry of Education.
- One-year intensive language course in Modern Chinese at Beijing Languages Institute
- Diploma in Modern Chinese (1985)
- Research on decision-making and economic reforms in the shipbuilding industry of China at China Renmin University, Beijing
- Participated in regular classes on Modern Economic History
- Diploma in Modern Economic History of China (1986)
- Published a research paper on “The Shipbuilding Industry of China” (Culture and Development in Asia No. 1, Berlin 1985)
Senate of the City and State of Hamburg
14-months temporary position as a member of the policy advisory team of the Senator for Economics, Transportation, and Agriculture. Focussed on sectoral policy and shipbuilding, improved contacts with business associations. Drafted speeches and research papers for the Senate (government at state level), the City Parliament, and the Federal Lower House. Co-organized major political conferences.
Freie Universität Berlin
Graduated 1982 with a Master’s Degree equivalent (Diplom-Volkswirt) with honors after required minimum number of semesters. Thesis about Lucas supply function. Simultaneously: Participated in voluntary Chinese language classes and APL programming classes.
Programme Regional Economic Development in Northeast China
- Sino-German government cooperation programme
- Comissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
- Implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Chinese lead executive agency: National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)
- Implementing partners: Liaoning Development and Reform Commission (LNDRC), Jilin Development and Reform Commission (JLDRC), Heilongjiang Development and Reform Commission (HLJDRC), Inner Mongolia Development and Reform Commission (IMDRC), Dalian Development and Reform Commission (DLDRC), Federations of Industry and Commerce (FIC) in Northeast China
- Main implementation phase: 04/2011 – 03/2015
- Volume: up to € 4,0 Mio. German contribution, up to € 4,0 Mio. Chinese contribution
The Programme aimed to strengthen the vitality of regional development in Northeast China. It supported cooperation across provinces between government institutions as well as their cooperation with the private sector and the cooperation of German and Chinese enterprises. Northeastern businesses with an interest in foreign trade and establishing subsidiaries in Germany were expected to benefit most.
In order to achieve the goal of regionally coordinated economic development in Northeast China, an Agreement of Implementation was signed between GIZ and the Chinese partners in 2011. Cooperation with regional chambers of commerce has also been triggered to strengthen their capacities to provide service for private sector development. Meanwhile, business relations between Germany and China were also supported through a number of Programme activities.
Since April 2011, a number of joint measures has been developed and implemented by GIZ and partners to improve the environment of regional economic development in the Northeast. They were closely linked to the issues raised at the annual “Northeast Summit” meetings of the governors and party secretaries of the Northeast provinces. The Programme supported cooperation on topics such as non-barrier tourism management, harbor-inland transport system development, employment policies and migration, energy efficient construction, and ecological forest management. It also supported the development of a joint international location marketing strategy of the Northeastern Provinces, facilitated a Public Private Dialog (PPD) on Regional Economic Development and promoted SME development including training for entrepreneurs and FIC personnel in Northeast China. Business relations between Germany and China were initiated through matchmaking events in various sectors.
Capacity Building for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Economic Development in China
- Chinese contribution: 12.0 million EUR (Ministry of Education and regional partners)
- German contribution: 2.8 million EUR (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development)
Further training of vocational teachers, principals and other Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) multipliers according to the famous German dual education system. Training of backbone teachers in Germany and training of teaching methods in China. Co-financed by Ministry of Education (MOE) and Jiangsu Development and Reform Commission (DRC).
- Since the beginning of the project series in 2004, a total of 6360 educators have participated in further training on 17 subjects in Germany. Today, about 400 teachers, 200 principals, 300 professionals and management staff are trained in Germany annually.
- Trainings on teaching methods are conducted in Chinese educational institutions for about 1400 teachers annually.
- The gap between top model schools and ordinary schools was reduced, especially in course design ability.
- The Chinese education community is increasingly familiar with modern, action-oriented teaching methods as well as the German vocational training system and its localized implementation.
Sino-German Automotive Vocational Education Project
Bring sufficient qualified car mechatronics to car dealers nation-wide by improving vocational education of car mechatronics. Public-Private-Partnership Project. Strategic partnership of GIZ with Ministry of Education, Audi, BMW, Daimler, Porsche and VW.
- Worldwide unique cooperation between five competitors of one industry with governments to improve a qualification standard
- Development and introduction of a practice-oriented curriculum for the training of car mechatronics.
- Teacher qualification based on the curriculum both in Germany and China
- Support the establishment of competence centers for teacher qualifications in Automotive sector
- Introduction of dual elements by intensifying cooperation between dealerships and schools (“guided internship”, trainer qualification, examination proportion)
- The five German premium brands have already fulfilled more than their agreed share in the project, so have the Chinese partner schools.
- Project concept is suitable as a blueprint for other markets in Asia and around the world (Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand)
Regional Cooperation Platform for Further Training of Teachers in Vocational Schools
The RCP is a network with managed membership that serves mainly universities involved in Vocational Teacher Education (VTE) in the ASEAN region and China. China (location of RCP Secretariat), Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Indonesia
- Universities implement more and more self-organized and self-funded activities in the regional exchange
- Academic education of vocational teachers in partner countries is sustainably improved
- Teaching, research and knowledge transfer in the RCP – network are improved
- Partner universities appoint gender officers who undertake joint activities
- RCP is increasingly recognized and demanded in East and Southeast Asia as a competent and innovative professional and dialogue forum
- The international reputation of RCP among relevant organizations in the region (e.g. UNESCO, Bangkok, and Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Vocational and Technical Education and Training (SEAMEO VOCTECH)) has grown
- Cooperation agreements with regional organizations are signed and being implemented
- Coordination and cooperation with bilateral vocational education projects in the region (China, Laos, Vietnam and Indonesia) are progressively improved
Programm Berufliche Bildung und Beschäftigungsförderung in der Provinz Jiangxi
Projektträger: Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation der Provinz Jiangxi
Laufzeit: 01.07.2004 – 31.12.2009
Kernproblem der beruflichen Bildung in der Provinz Jiangxi ist, dass Aus- und Weiterbildungseinrichtungen heute nicht in der Lage sind, ihren Absolventen die auf dem Arbeitsmarkt nachgefragten Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten in ausreichender Qualität zu vermitteln. Dies betrifft sowohl die Lehrpläne als auch die den Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen zugrundeliegende Didaktik und Methodik. Gleichzeitig agiert das Schulmanagement noch zu wenig betriebswirtschaftlich und marktorientiert, um Impulse für die kontinuierliche Anpassung von Bildungsangeboten zu geben und deren Wirtschaftlichkeit sicherzustellen. Darüber hinaus scheitert die notwendige Modernisierung der Einrichtungen und die Aktualisierung der Bildungsangebote häufig an fehlenden finanziellen Ressourcen.
Das Gesamtziel des Programms lautet: „Pilothafte Berufsbildungseinrichtungen sichern Qualität, Relevanz und Wirtschaftlichkeit ihrer Qualifizierungsdienstleistungen.“ Die zwei Komponentenziele des Programms lauten: „Ausgewählte Aus- und Weiterbildungseinrichtungen in der Provinz Jiangxi verbessern die Qualität ihrer Lehre.“ und „Ausgewählte Aus- und Weiterbildungseinrichtungen verbessern ihre internen Steuerungsmechanismen.“
Der deutsche Beitrag umfasst die Förderkomponenten Beratung, Fortbildung, Sachlieferungen und örtliche Zuschüsse. Wichtige Themenfelder für die Fortbildung von Partnerfachkräften sind Lehr- und Lernmethoden der beruflichen Bildung, nachfrage- und potenzial-orientierte Beratungsansätze sowie Schulmanagementpraxis. Die Lieferung von Sachgütern beschränkt sich auf die beispielhafte Einrichtung von modernen Lehrräumen, die Gestaltung von Lehr- und Unterrichtsarrangements und auf Büro- und sonstige Ausrüstungsgegenstände. Örtliche Zuschüsse werden in geringem Umfang für Studien und Analysen sowie für Seminare und Fortbildung eingesetzt.
Die Verbesserung der Berufsqualifizierung gehört seit dem formalen Reformauftakt im Jahre 1985 zu den entwicklungspolitischen Schwerpunktbereichen in der VR China. 1996 wurde ein Berufsbildungsgesetz verabschiedet. Ende Dezember 1999 hat das chinesische Erziehungs-ministerium festgelegt, dass eine stärkere Praxisorientierung der Berufsausbildung erfolgen soll und einzelne Provinzen in den nächsten Jahren eigene Ausbildungssysteme entwickeln können. Im Kontext von Strategien der regionalen Wirtschaftsförderung misst die chinesische Regierung der Verbesserung des Qualifikationsniveaus der Erwerbstätigen eine große Bedeutung bei.
Die Gesamtlaufzeit des Programms beträgt 5 Jahre, voraussichtlich von 01/2004 bis 12/2009. Das Programm besteht aus einer Förderphase mit abschließender Nachbetreuung.
Alle Programmziele sind erreicht worden, wie durch das programminterne Wirkungsmonitoring nachgewiesen werden konnte. Ende Mai 2009 wurde die Haupt-Durchführungsphase planmäßig abgeschlossen. In einem Berufsbildiungs-Symposium wurden die Erfolge des Programms einem breiten Publikum vorgestellt. Besonderer Schwerpunkt war die Diskussion von Modellen der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Schulen und Unternehmen.
Im Juni wurde eine Nachbetreuungsphase aufgenommen, mit der die Nachhaltigkeit des Programms gestärkt und eine Multiplizierung der Wirkungen erreicht werden soll. Auf Vorschlag der Partner sollen bisher vom deutschen Expertenteam gestaltete und geleitete Trainings-of-Trainers (ToT) durch die Pilotschulen selbst weitergeführt und die Inhalte damit auch Schulen angeboten werden, die bisher nicht mit dem Programm direkt in Berührung gekommen sind. Diese ToTs sollen durch Coaching und geringe Finanzierungsbeiträge unterstützt werden. Die Aufnahme dieser Trainings gestaltet sich allerdings schwierig, da die Finanzierung des chinesischen Beitrags seit Abschluß der Hauptphase nicht mehr gesichert ist. Daher wird versucht, die Multiplizierung der Wirkungen verstärkt durch bessere Vernetzung und intensivere Integration der Partner und Pilotschulen in überregionale und grundsätzliche Massnahmen zur Berufsbildung zu erreichen.
Afghanistan Chamber Development Project
Report on Transitional High Council Assembly of 2008-03-09
1. Executive Summary
One obstacle to building a representative and democratic chamber system in Afghanistan is the mutual distrust among ethnic groups within the business community. Thus far, recommendations to base representation in decision-making organs of the chamber on economic criteria, while excluding or at least minimizing ethnic issues, could not be realized.
On March 9, 2008, an assembly of 500 private sector representatives, held in Kabul, confirmed the merger of ACCI and AICC and accepted a transitional chamber by-law. Due to ethnic and sectoral group concerns, the originally planned election of a transitional Board of Directors was replaced with the election of an ad hoc Council of Elders who decided to install the CMC as temporary BoD until elections have been carried out in all provinces.
2. Before the Assembly
With support of the Chamber Reform Commission (CRC) and the Boards of Directors of Afghan Chambers of Commerce and Industries (ACCI) and of Afghanistan International Chamber of Commerce (AICC), ACCI President Dr. Ghulam Mohammad Yaylaqi and AICC Chairman Azarakhsh Hafizi signed a declaration on the merger of both chambers in October, 2007. Minister of Commerce and Industries, Dr. Amin Farhang, and CRC Chairman Arif Zarif witnessed and supported the declaration.
A Chamber Merger Committee (CMC) was formed of seven representatives each of ACCI and AICC, and one neutral Head of Secretariat. Mahmood Karzai, founding member of AICC, was elected CMC Chairman, Khan Jan Alokozai (ACCI) and Azarakhsh Hafizi (AICC) Vice Chairmen, and Mohammad Haqjo Head of Secretariat. Main tasks of the CMC were (1) to prepare the assembly of a Transitional High Council (THC), which was to ratify a draft by-law and elect a Transitional Board of Directors (TBD), and (2) to prepare the merger and suggest a new organizational structure for the full-time staff.
In November, 2007, CRC Chairman Arif Zarif, who was also a member of the CMC and a key member of the Parliament of Afghanistan, lost his life in the Baghlan Sugar Factory Bombing. He had been expected to chair the THC assembly. The assembly had to be postponed, and Zarif’s son eventually took his father’s place as a member of the CMC.
Previously suggested draft by-laws were consolidated and modified in a joint effort of the CMC Head of Secretariat, an international expert of USAID/ASMED, and an international expert of GTZ/SEQUA. In December 2007, this version was agreed on by the CMC. The draft included provisions on the representation of seven major zones[1] and seven groups[2] in the Board of Directors, as well as provisions for the THC, which was to be composed of 215 delegates: 85 ACCI representatives, 85 AICC representatives, and 45 non-affiliated private sector representatives. The latter were to be appointed by the CMC in order to even out regional and group imbalances between ACCI and AICC delegates. The THC assembly was scheduled for March 5, 2008, but later re-scheduled to March 9.
Since AICC had held elections to their Board of Directors recently, all 85 members of the Board were accepted as delegates to the THC. The 85 delegates of ACCI were initially planned to be elected by all provincial chambers, but due to extreme winter weather, a lack of experience with democratic elections, and insufficient funding, most regions were unable to hold the elections on time. In February, the ACCI Board of Directors appointed the ACCI delegates of provincial chambers, and the CMC decided on the identity of the non-affiliated delegates to the THC assembly. The CMC also decided to review and simplify the formerly agreed draft by-law, including to remove the provision on zone and group representation in the new Board.
In a press conference on March 2, 2008, the CMC publicly announced the upcoming THC assembly and explained the simplified draft by-law. This resulted in an unexpected and very strong interest of the business community throughout the country, but also in massive concerns of regional, sectoral, and ethnic groups about their proper representation in the new leadership organs.
Numerous well-known entrepreneurs and business groups intensified their lobbying activities to be included in the new chamber and accepted by the CMC as additional delegates. The CMC welcomed the strong interest of the business community, and since it was itself divided in sectoral and ethnic factions, followed the suggestion of its Chairman to increase the number of delegates several times. During the last regular CMC meeting on March 8, 2008, a total of 360 delegates (85 + 85 + 190) was agreed upon, but in response to continued lobbying of different groups, this number increased further to 460 in ad hoc CMC meetings until early morning of assembly day, March 9. However, some opposition of other groups against the change of procedures also grew, and even a few members of the CMC, who had agreed with increasing the number of delegates, temporarily criticized CMC Chairman Karzai for incorrect handling of assembly preparations.
3. The THC Assembly
The assembly took place at a strictly secured wing of the Kabul Intercontinental Hotel. The Ambassadors of Germany, Hans-Ulrich Seidt, and of Saudi-Arabia, Said Ghorm Malhan, were honorable guests. The development agencies of the USA and Germany were represented by Zdravko Sami of USAID and Shafic Gawhari of GTZ. The presidents of the Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA), Omar Zakhilwal, and of the Export Promotion Agency of Afghanistan (EPAA), Suleman Fatimie, representatives of international organizations and national and international media also participated as observers in the meeting. The total number of voting and non-voting participants was just below 500.
CMC Vice Chairman Khan Jan Alokozai opened the assembly and presented CMC member Hakim Malyar as Chairman of the meeting. Malyar introduced the keynote speakers:
- Mahmood Karzai, Chairman of the CMC,
- Ghulam Mohammad Yaylaqi, President of ACCI,
- Azarakhsh Hafizi, Chairman of AICC,
- Amin Farhang, Minister of Commerce and Industries.
All four speakers expressed their strong support for the merger and establishment of the new, united Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries (new ACCI).
Next topic on the agenda was the discussion and ratification of the draft by-law as prepared by the CMC. Delegates of several groups, including traders, industrialists, and women entrepreneurs, voiced concern about their proper representation in the Board of Directors, some requested the inclusion of related provisions in the by-law. After Chairman Malyar pointed out that the by-law was only to be used for the transitional period until the first regular High Council could be elected, more than two thirds of THC assembly members agreed with the by-law in a vote by show of hands.
The election of the Transitional Board of Directors was scheduled for the afternoon, but Chairman Malyar attempted to reach an agreement on the nomination and election procedures before lunch. A specialized Kabul consulting firm had been contracted by the CMC for implementing the election and was prepared with a group of volunteers to handle nominations, election, and to count ballots. However, an agreement on procedures could not be reached due to disagreements between the various ethnic and interest groups. Malyar asked the assembly members to continue discussions during lunch.
At the start of the afternoon session, it had already become clear that many assembly members questioned the legitimacy of the composition of delegates and would not agree with directly electing the TBD. Malyar proposed not to elect the TBD directly, but to elect instead an ad hoc Council of Elders to decide on the TBD. This proposal was supported by a strong majority of assembly members. The persons Malyar nominated for the Council of Elders were apparently well-respected individuals across interest groups, as the vote by show of hands was nearly unanimous for each name.
The Elders convened in a separate meeting room and returned with two decisions:
- Regular elections for a new High Council shall be carried out in the provinces within three months;
- The Chamber Merger Committee shall act as temporary Board of Directors of the merged chamber until the new High Council elects a new Board.
This result was announced and accepted by the assembly without further discussion, and the meeting was closed. Before leaving, assembly members signed a prepared resolution requesting the government to return all ACCI property to the new chamber.
4. After the Assembly
The former CMC, now Temporary ACCI Board of Directors, held its first meeting one day later, on March 10, 2008. It self-critically analyzed the events of the assembly but accepted its new role. Former CMC Chairman Mahmood Karzai was confirmed as Temporary ACCI President, former Vice Chairmen Khan Jan Alokozai and Azarakhsh Hafizi as Temporary ACCI Vice Presidents, and former CMC Head of Secretariat Mohammad Qurban Haqjo as Temporary ACCI Chief Executive Officer (see attachment).
On March 11 and 12, general staff meetings were held both at the former ACCI and the former AICC, and the new CEO Haqjo was introduced as such to all employees. Most staff members were visibly relieved with this result of the assembly, since they were familiar with and respected Haqjo after years of cooperation. Board and CEO quickly made plans to physically merge chambers by moving the former AICC offices from their rented location to the ACCI owned site, to combine departments according to a new organization plan and terms of reference for the departments, and to solve a number of other practical issues.
Elections for a new High Council will be prepared in a Kabul workshop for selected staff and leaders of provincial chambers on nomination and election procedures and the work of election committees. Election committees will be formed in each province with support of one or two ACCI Board members, and elections be held one province at a time. The newly elected High Council will then assemble in Kabul and elect its Board of Directors. The date of this High Council assembly was tentatively set to June 4, 2008.
Members of the Temporary ACCI Board of Directors
1. | Mahmood Karzai
Transitional President |
Pashtun | Industry | AICC | |
2. | Khan Jan Alokozai
Transitional Vice President |
Pashtun | Trade | ACCI | |
3. | Azarakhsh Hafizi
Transitional Vice President |
Tajik | Trade | AICC | |
4. | Mohammad Qurban Haqjo
Transitional CEO |
Tajik | – | – | |
5. | Mohsen Amiri
Member |
Hazara | Industry | AICC | |
6. | Ghulam Nabi Edizada
Member |
Tajik | Services | AICC | |
7. | Hamidullah Farooqi
Member |
Pashtun | Services | AICC | |
8. | Seema Ghani
Member |
Tajik / Uzbek | Services / Women | ACCI | |
9. | Amin Khosti
Member |
Pashtun | Services (Bank) | AICC | |
10. | Hakim Malyar
Member |
Pashtun | Trade | ACCI | |
11. | Al-Haj Raheemdin
Member |
Pashtun | Services | ACCI | |
12. | Shirin Agha Sakhi
Member |
Tajik | Trade / Industry | ACCI | |
13. | Hasan Sepahi
Member |
Hazara | SME | ACCI | |
14. | Ustaad Shejah
Member |
Tajik | Services | AICC | |
15. | Ibrahim Zarif
Member |
Pashtun / Tajik | Trade / Industry | ACCI |
[1] Kabul, Herat, Kandahar, Balkh, Nangahar, Kunduz and Khost.
[2] Industry, trade, services, crafts, small and medium enterprises, women entrepreneurs, and business membership organizations.
- Project title: Promotion of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
- German contribution: 6.2 million EUR
- Main implementation phase: 2000-2007
- German donor: BMZ
- German implementation: GIZ
- German programme director: Dr. Jürgen Steiger
- German resident expert: Helmut Schönleber (2005-2007), Chamber Development Component
- Chinese partners: NDRC, Anhui SME Development Bureau
Überblick über das DIHK-ACFIC Partnerschaftsprojekt
Das DIHK – ACFIC Partnerschaftsprojekt ist ein Projekt zwischen dem Deutschen Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) und der All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC). Neben ACFIC auf der nationalen Ebene arbeitet das Projekt mit 10 regionalen Schwerpunkt-Partnern zusammen:
- Yunnan Provinz -FIC
- Kunming Stadt-FIC
- Liaoning Provinz-FIC
- Shenyang Stadt-FIC
- Anshan Stadt-FIC
- Shandong Provinz-FIC
- Qingdao Stadt-FIC
- Hebei Provinz-FIC
- Hengshui Stadt-FIC
- Handan Stadt-FIC
Das Projekt wird vom deutschen Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) über die Stiftung für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und berufliche Qualifizierung (SEQUA) gefördert. Projekt-Laufzeit ist vom 01. September 1996 bis 30. November 2004.
Das Projekt verläuft in drei Phasen:
Erste Projektphase: 01.09.1996 bis 28.02.2000. Angestrebte Ergebnisse:
- Unternehmer und kammermitarbeiter werden weitergebildet
- Die Informationsdienstleistungen der Kammern werden verbessert
- Der Partner wird bei der Gestaltung des Kammerrechts unterstützt
- Die Geschäftskontakte zwischen deutschen und chinesischen Unternehmern werden vermittelt
Zweite Projektphase: 01.03.2000 bis 31.03.2003. Angestrebte Ergebnisse:
- Durchführung verschiedener Workshops und Trainingsmassnahmen für Unternehmer
- Unterstützung der Geschäftskontakte chinesischer Privatunternehmen mit Deutschland, aber auch anderen Ländern
- Verbesserung der Dienstleistungsfähigkeit und der Fähigkeit zur Vertretung und zum Schutz der legitimen Rechte und Interessen der Mitgliedsuntermehmen
- Weiterentwicklung und Nutzung des Informationssystems und Vermarktung der Informationsprodukte
Konsolidierungsphase: 01.04.2003 bis 30.11.2004. Angestrebte Ergebnisse:
- Mitarbeiter chinesischer Partnerkammern sind in Organisation und Durchführung von Workshops für Mitglieder besser qualifiziert.
- Partner haben ihre Kompetenz in spezifischen Themen mit Hilfe von Beratungseinsätzen erhöht
- Ein Symposium / Workshop zu Organisation und rechtlichem Rahmen der Kammerarbeit in China ist durchgeführt.
- Die Vernetzung der Aussenwirtschaftsarbeit der deutschen und chinesischen Kammerorganisation ist verbessert.
Das Oberziel und das Projektziel blieben seit Projektbeginn unverändert: „Förderung der Privatwirtschaft in China“ und „Stärkung der privaten Unternehmen durch Verbesserung der Dienstleistung und Interessenvertretung von ACFIC und regionalen FICs“.
Es wurden 8 Unternehmerdelegationen mit 93 chinesischen Privatunternehmern und 4 Kammerdelegationen nach Deutschland zum Besuch eingeladen. Es wurden deutsche Betriebe besichtigt und persönliche Gespräche mit über 100 deutschen Untermehmern organisiert. Einige davon resultierten bis heute nicht nur im Kontakt mit deutschen Kollegen, sondern auch in der Durchführung konkreter Kooperationen. Es wurden deutsche Anlagen importiert, Joint-Ventures gegründet und deutsches Know-How in Bezug auf Technologie und Management eingeführt. Durch Besuche bei insgesamt 19 IHKs wurden die chinesischen Kammermitarbeiter über das deutsche Kammersystem informiert und haben Anregungen für ihre Entwicklung bekommen. Die genannten Auslandsbesuche haben einen sehr grossen Beitrag geleistet zur Ergebniserreichung wie z.B. „Vermittlung von Geschäftskontakten“ „Weiterbildung der Unternehmer und Kammermitarbeiter“.
Zu 12 verschiedenen Themen aus Unternehmensentwicklung und Unternehmensmanagement wurden 31 Workshops organisiert. Daran nahmen 1292 Unternehmer teil. Manche führten gleich nach dem Workshop Reformen in den eigenen Betrieben durch. Außerdem wurden interkulterelle Elemente in den Workshops eingeführt, um die internationalen Kontakte zu erleichtern. „Personalführung“, „Marketing“, „WTO – Chinas private Unternehmer im internationallen Wettbewerb”, „Entwicklungsstrategie der Privaten Unternehmer“ sind hier nur als einige Beispiele für Workshop-Themen zu erwähnen. Durch die Workshops wurden nicht nur die Teilnehmer weitergebildet, die Kammermitarbeiter wurden durch die organisatorische Beteiligung an den Workshops auch darauf hingeführt, ihre Arbeitsweise am Bedarf der Unternehmer zu orientieren.
Um den Partnern bei der Gestaltung des Kammerrechts zu helfen, wurde das deutsche Kammergesetz vom Deutschen ins Chinesische übersetzt. Bei den Deutschlandbesuchen wurde den Kammermitarbeitern dargestellt, wie das deutsche Kammersystem funktioniert. Obwohl es grosse Unterschiede zwischen obligatorischem (deutschem) und freiwilligem (chinesischem) Kammersystem gibt, kann man auch viel gegenseitig lernen.
Ende 2002 fand ein Symposium „ Unternehmen – Kammern – Regierung“ in Kunming statt. Dabei wurde aus der Sicht von Regierungsvertretern, Unternehmern, Kammermitarbeitern und Wissenschaftlern auf der deutschen und chinesischen Seite die Beziehung zwischen Unternehmen, Kammern und Regierung diskutiert. Die Veranstaltung, die am 25. und 26. Oktober in Beijing stattfindet, gilt als Nachfolgeveranstaltung zum Symposium in Kunming.
Die ACFIC-Mitgliederdatenbank wurde mit Hilfe des Projektes aufgebaut. Dafür wurden etwa 750 Kammermitarbeiter trainiert und 139 Computeranlagen an FICs auf der Provinz- und Präfekturebene gespendet. Die Datenbank wird weiter verbessert und vervollständigt.
Im Rahmen des Projektes wurden durch Delegationsbesuche, Workshops für Privatunternehmer, Trainingskurse für Kammermitarbeiter, Beratungseinsätze von Langzeit- und Kurzzeit-Experten die geplanten Ergebnisse erreicht und teilweise sogar übertroffen.
Im Projekt arbeiteten alle Beteiligten sehr erfolgreich und zusammen. Die erreichten Erfolge werden auf dieser Basis künftig über das Projekt hinaus erweitert.
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